Launching My Substack!

by Catherine Down

Hello friends!

In March, I celebrated my ten year Franceiversary which is hard to believe because, in my head, I'm still fresh off the boat. A decade of eating and writing in Paris goes past way faster than you'd ever imagine.

I've long had a newsletter sign-up on my website but I rarely, if ever, sent anything out. I'm now migrating this list over to Substack where I'll be publishing a free monthly newsletter, alongside exclusive content for subscribers only. 

Paid subscribers will have access to: 

  • more frequent and in-depth content

  • a discussion forum where you can ask me your most pressing Paris questions, or field them to the group 

  • maps/itineraries 

  •  subscriber-only events 

I'm grateful to everyone who takes the time to read and support my work, and for all the wonderful people who keep coming back to Paris to hang out with me year after year. You make life so very delicious. 

